Photography presentation by Timothy Allen

This evening’s talk will be called ‘The Journey’ by Tim Allen and is a retrospective look at 20 years on the road including life lessons learned.


Password: CCC21

(Image from Tim Allen’s Wikipedia page)

In Tim’s words…..“Better known for my photographs of far away places I am also a producer/director of films. I began work in London’s Fleet Street… Guardian, Telegraph and Times before settling down at The Independent for 6 years.  After leaving the world of photojournalism I slipped into a life on the road shooting documents of the most interesting things I could find on the planet.  My passion has always been indigenous cultures, sparked by a life-changing encounter I had with an isolated  community whilst on an university ecological research project in 1991.  Nowadays I love visiting remote locations and the exceptional people who inhabit them.

Please don’t mistake me for a documentarian in the traditional sense.  That, I am certainly not.  My films and photographs are often very subjective and I enjoy viewing the world through overly romantic eyes.  Similarly, my intention is not to ‘document disappearing cultures for the sake of future generations’.  That is a concept I’ve never felt comfortable with.  As far as I can tell, the main motivation behind my work is a desire to understand myself and the relationships I have with other people. It is a very personal journey of discovery that is also my living.   If my work inspires you to do the same then that is a good thing as far as I’m concerned.  It is my belief that our individual journeys offer us all the chance to become better people.

When ever I get the chance I travel as a backpacker and I always turn off my mobile phone while I’m away.  I am a traveler from the pre-internet generation of Poste Restante and word-of mouth so I’m always looking for that kind of experience in my 21st century journeys. I try not to get cynical about the contemporary world but forgive me if my years get the better of me every now and then. Amongst many other things, I love the outdoors, gardening and especially my adoptive country Wales where I live with my family on a quiet hill near Hay on Wye.”

Read more about Tim Allen



Oct 18 2021


7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Remote Zoom Meeting


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