Ok, so its decided that tonight (18th December 2017) we will be out and about around the market place in Cirencester to get some Christmas shots and then afterwards into the Fleece for a warming pre-Christmas drink.

Tonight’s theme will be slightly different.

You are restricted to the Market place and Blackjack street (inc. the Swanyard) to get your shots which have to meet the criteria set (we will perhaps review them on the Christmas meal evening with a prize for the best? TBC).

The subjects are, Christmas Tree (s), Christmas Lights, Light Trails (long exposure), a Star (s), a Candle (s), Father Christmas, an Angel (s) and a Christmas reflection.

We will meet at 7:30pm outside the Church (in the Market place) and have 1 hour to get taking photos. Remember your “Basics” lessons. As its night, manual mode will be ideal as you will be able to control the dark and light parts of the photo to get an even exposure balance (auto modes will struggle).

At 8:30, meet in the Fleece for a pre-Christmas drink and chat.

I along with some other experienced members will be on hand to help those that are struggling with some hands on help (be it getting the exposure right or getting a good composition).

Bring your tripod and remote release if you have one?

Hope to see you there!

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