Cirencester Battle Against Tetbury – Tuesday 1st March

On Tuesday 1st March, the annual inter-club rivalry between Tetbury and Cirencester was renewed, Tetbury hosted this year and as ever 30 images from each club were pitted against each other. There was a range of excellent pictures, and the range of marks reflected the overall high quality of the images. Our star performers were: 

· Cold Out Warm In – Mike Cheeseman (20) 

· Lighthouse – Jill Bewley (20) 

· Sometimes Naughty – Vicki O’Keeffe (20) 

· Looking out the window – Colin Hoskins (19) 

· Thai Red Backed Sea Eagle – Martyn Smith (19) 

· Winter Cotswold Sheep – Patrick Barker (19) 

Overall Cirencester won by two points, and it came down to the last image on each side to decide the winner. Overall scores were: 

Cirencester – 514 

Tetbury – 512 

Well done to everyone! 

Thanks Paul. Just to add that Judge Michael Krier from the Cheltenham Club was typically constructive in his scoring and feedback. He has judged us before on a few occasions as well as presenting a talk to us on what judges look for. 

Also, it’s worth mentioning that in judging Vicki’s image Michael Krier felt that it had been taken by a professional and likened the style to that of American Photographer Alex Soth. High praise indeed. Well done again Vicki. Here’s Alex Soth’s website so that you can see where Michael is coming from. 

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