Print Panel challenge

Following last year’s successful Print Panel challenge where 13 members submitted a huge variety of themed images displayed as a panel on A1 board we will be running the challenge again this year. Members vote for their top three panels ( not including their own!) and the winners will be announced during the evening. This year we are introducing a Smart Phone Digital Panel Challenge as well – please see below for all the rules.

The Print Panel and Smart Phone Digital Panel Challenges

General rules
  1. This challenge is open to all current CCC members.
  2. Your task is to produce a Panel of Prints and / or a Smartphone Digital Panel of images on a theme of your choice. (If you produce two panels ( print and digital they can be different themes)
  3. The title of either panel must be clearly displayed on the front.
  4. Creativity, thought and variation are encouraged, with the complete panel showing a balanced and engaging view of your chosen theme. The images should work well together and either share a theme, tell a story or complement each other in some way. They should all create a pleasing image as a whole. Humour and light heartedness can be shown.
  5. Images can be in colour or black and white or monochrome.
  6. Your panel should contain between 7 — 10 images on your chosen subject and be presented for assessment by members on the evening of 17th April 2023. If you are not going to be there on the evening but would still like to submit a panel please contact Jill Bewley, Comp Sec to arrange collection of printed panel. (
  7. Images do not have to have been taken within this season but must be less than 5 years old. If using images which have been submitted to Club Competitions, a maximum of two may be used.
  8. The images must be your all own work.
  9. Presentation of the prints on the physical or digital panel will be taken into consideration in the final assessment.
  10. All entries will be assessed and marked by the club members who are present on 17th April, with First, Second and Third places for easch category being announced on the evening.
  11. The Print Panel and Smartphone Digital Panel will be judged separately.
  12. An award will be presented to the winner of both the Print Panel and Smartphone Digital Panel at the Awards Evening.
The Print Panel – info
  1. Images should be no more than 7″ x 5″ (un-mounted), and one of your images may be enlarged to 10″ x 8″ (un-mounted).
  2. Images can be placed in small mounts if desired.
  3. You should mount your images on a board no larger than A1 in size. This is 841 mm x 594mm. The board should be sufficiently rigid to allow being displayed vertically on a table top. Thick mountboard / Foamex are ideal.
  4. The print panel mounting board can be any colour.
  5. A1 Boards and thick cards can be purchased for a few pounds from outlets like Hobbycraft, the Range etc.
  6. Your panel must be clearly labelled on the reverse side with membership number and the panel title.
The Smartphone Digital Panel (SDP) – info
  1. Each SDP will be displayed for assessment on the club projector/screen.
  2. To aid presentation on the night, SDP’s should be emailed via the Competition Dropbox link to Jill Bewley Comp Sec by Friday 14th April 
  3. Each emailed SDP should contain the member’s membership number and panel title.
  4. The Club will provide processing assistance to anyone who would like help creating a digital panel.
  5. SDP can be made in Lightroom, Photoshop or PowerPoint.
  6. The overall SDP should be no greater than 1200×1600 pixels (image club comp size).
  7. Smartphone Digital Panel background can be any colour.
  8. The digital images in the SDP can be any size and shape whilst meeting the General Rules above in respect of submitted number of images.
If you have any questions please email Jill Bewley, Comp Sec on competitions@cirencestercameraclub.or

PLUS…. Cirencester Then and Now. Working on an idea by John Smith, we plan to display members’ images of locations around Cirencester based on old postcards from yesteryear – again more details will be published nearer the time.



Apr 17 2023


7:30 pm - 9:30 pm


Parish Hall, Watermoor, GL7 1NE
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