Full breakdown of results of Competition E 2016/17

Set Subject (Earth, wind or fire)


Commended – Paul Jones, Kevin Joynes-Creed

Highly Commended – John Hankin, Val Thomas, Mike Cheeseman

Third Place – Carol Thorne

Second Place – Shaun Little

First Place – David Wallis


Commended – Carlo Vuolo, Val Thomas

Highly Commended – Richard Sudbury

Third Place – John Hankin

Second Place – Shaun Little

First Place – David Wallis



Commended – John Hankin, Carlo Vuolo

Highly Commended – Mike Cheeseman, Shaun Little

Third Place – Alun Thomas

Second Place – John Spreadbury

First Place – Kevin Joynes-Creed


Commended – Mike Cheeseman, Val Thomas

Highly Commended – Carlo Vuolo, Russell Discombe

Third Place – Paul Jones

Second Place – John Spreadbury

First Place – Shaun Little

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